the art of managing conflict

I am a dedicated and experienced professional mediator. My focus is helping people develop the skills and tools for dealing with conflict and managing difficult conversations. 

upcoming webinar training

Each month I run several free training webinars. These are usually 30-45 min focussing on a particular topic.

You can find info and register below. The link and details are emailed prior to the session. 

Empower Your Team with Effective Conflict Resolution Training

Practical, skills-based Conflict Resolution Training.

Topics include  de-escalation skills, active listening, assertiveness and holding on to boundaries, relationship repair and self-care.  

Feedback from training workshops is exceedingly positive (9.4/10 avg participant score). People leave feeling a lot more confident, having new tools, seeing situations differently and generally just feeling empowered. 

Training can be held online or on-site in your office.  

what i do



"I wanted to thank you and give you some feedback which staff have shared with me. The staff stated that this was one of the best presentations they have been to - especially in comparison to other workshops dealing with similar topics and of the same ilk. They enjoyed the scenarios and the opportunity to practice the techniques. I personally found the way the workshops were tailored specifically to, not only our sector, but our unique little Preschool, made the training so much more pertinent to situations we have come across and will probably continue to come across - thereby delivering effective solutions specific to our situation. I really liked the way the techniques you introduced us to were always referenced with authors or research. I appreciate the way you pitched the sessions to such a diverse group - making it interesting yet understandable for all. Thankyou for sharing your wisdom and insight. Happy to provide recommendations to any other services who may be interested in your great work."

Laura Director - Community Preschool

Everyone at our regional Coordinators meeting last Friday gave glowing feedback of the training they did with you and how beneficial it was both for their work with us and life in general, thank you.

Helen National Manager

I just wanted to let you know personally how fantastic the training sessions you ran for us over the past month have been. I have already used techniques learned with colleagues and at home. My Manager even jumped onto your last session. I hope these courses continue to be offered as they are so useful. I have provided feedback to the L&D team also.

Daphne Manager - Local City Council

The girls were all so happy afterwards. They were really impressed with how much they had learned and how engaging you were. We try to always keep the staff motivated and do ongoing training every few months. I will definitely keep you in mind for our next ideas and thoughts on what other areas we can excel in.

Heidi Team Leader - Sleepwise

Hi Simon, Thank you so much for today’s session !!!! Already heard great feedback and as to what a great facilitator you are. I think everyone is grateful for the skills and knowledge they’re going to be able to apply.

Tatenda Gyde Consulting


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